I was honored to have been interviewed for an article on Handfasting as a wedding trend in the Democrat and Chronicle 1/26/18 issue of Rochester Magazine.
Shown below is a sample Handfasting Unity Ceremony.
On the Reserved Unity Handfasting page, booked couples can use a number of options to create their own unique Handfasting Unity Ceremony. There are 660 possible combinations so it will be easy for you to create a combination that reflects you as a couple.
During the ceremony, I can do the tying, the bridal party can tie or friends and family can tie.
Many couples choose to save their tied cords/ribbons as a keepsake, displaying them in a shadow box or saving them with other wedding mementos.
Sample Handfasting Unity Ceremony
We will borrow from the ancient custom of Handfasting for our Unity ceremony today. Handfasting is a traditional form of betrothal, the origins of which are largely lost in the mists of time. Some say it is from this ritual that the term “tying the knot” originated.
______ and __________ please join hands.
May this marriage be blessed with (blessing)
May this marriage be blessed with (blessing)
May your lives be blessed always.
Choose as many ribbons/cords and blessings as you like. Examples are love, understanding, communication, abundance, happiness etc.