Unity Wine Ceremonies

Version 1-Cup of Life or Common Cop
Two separate glasses are filled with wine. Before the couple is pronounced married, Groom, Best Man/Woman or other designated person or pours ¼ of the wine from each glass into a separate wine glass - the unity “cup”- from which each sips.
This Cup of Life contains a mixture of two wines. One is symbolic of happiness, joy, hope, peace, love and delight. The other symbolic of disappointment, sorrow, and life’s trials and tribulations. Together the sweet and the bitter represent the fullness of life’s experiences. Drink from the Cup of Life with an open heart and willing spirit, acknowledging your promise to share together the fullness of life.
Version 2- Unity Wine Ceremony
Each glass of wine represents you as an individual. The center glass represents your marriage. The Wine ceremony represents the joining of your two lives in marriage. Please pour a bit of your wine into the center glass. Now take turns toasting each other as you take a sip of wine, signifying your commitment to each other and your marriage.
Booked couples may visit the reserved section for additional options!
Two separate glasses are filled with wine. Before the couple is pronounced married, Groom, Best Man/Woman or other designated person or pours ¼ of the wine from each glass into a separate wine glass - the unity “cup”- from which each sips.
This Cup of Life contains a mixture of two wines. One is symbolic of happiness, joy, hope, peace, love and delight. The other symbolic of disappointment, sorrow, and life’s trials and tribulations. Together the sweet and the bitter represent the fullness of life’s experiences. Drink from the Cup of Life with an open heart and willing spirit, acknowledging your promise to share together the fullness of life.
Version 2- Unity Wine Ceremony
Each glass of wine represents you as an individual. The center glass represents your marriage. The Wine ceremony represents the joining of your two lives in marriage. Please pour a bit of your wine into the center glass. Now take turns toasting each other as you take a sip of wine, signifying your commitment to each other and your marriage.
Booked couples may visit the reserved section for additional options!